Friday, November 19, 2010

SamHasFriends Episode 2

Hey ya!

It's been exactly 37 days since the last episode. A lot has happened, but who really cares, here's a new episode of SamHasFriends!

This episode features the artistic Allison Zullo and business man Cooper Fallek.

Alison Zullo:

I met Alison at a mutual friends' house about a year ago. One of the many good-looking, goodhearted, and creative people from Yorktown Heights,  New York, Allison told me about her art magazine and website entitled Fake Orange. The zine is based on art, culture, and innovative design. Instantly curious, and even more captivated at what I had found. I was stunned at the creative and powerful work that this publication had created. Allison is one of these people that I think you should know.  In the conversation we discuss her time growing up in YH, the importance of all things design, and the her current favorite museum.  Find Allison on Facebook 

Cooper Fallek 

An intelligent, conversational, and energetic person by nature, Cooper is one of the few people I've encountered who has that aura of a feel good flavor at all times. When I say always looking at the positive side of a situation, I'm not sure that you understand how enthusiastic about life Cooper can be. I'm sure you'll be able to hear it when you listen to the interview when we discuss his new business venture Table Tennis Nation , growing up in Short Hills NJ, and the most passionate topic of the hour, on why Kanye West is the artist of this generation.  Find Cooper on Facebook or at  

Thank you for listening and reading. Look out for episodes coming more consistently.